Poseidon Animal Health Wholesale

If you are a Wholesaler but products are not showing below, please login first, then click Wholesale Portal in the footer menu to see your products (once you login, the consumer products at RRP are blocked to prevent confusion). 

Know what you need? Login and view a handy one page list with our Quick Order Form to save time. Want to browse benefits and ingredients? Scroll down to see the fill Wholesale range. Want to sell Poseidon? Create a Wholesale account for your business with our simple application.

Please note: All prices are shown GST inclusive and freight is additional as it has to be calculated once your order is placed. 

Great gut health matters

A healthy gut means a horse gets the full benefit of their feed and can perform to their best, as well as looking fantastic and most importantly, feeling their absolute best. Look for shiny coats, calm, happy willing horses, good hoof health and less reactiveness.

Do your customers have questions?

Our articles can provide a lot of information on horse health, but we also have a long list of equine product FAQs right here for your team:

Get support from Tony

If you’d like Tony to come and speak at your store, up-skill your staff, or to do a presentation on Poseidon at an event, please let him know.

Call 027 285 5073

Email Tony